Canvas Art Canvas Painting Painting Tutorials

Learn to Paint Cotton on Wood with a Palette Knife. Video Tutorial.

palette knife, abstract, cotton, pine, wood

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Have you been wanting to learn how to make your own artwork for your home? Maybe learn to use a palette knife, or even paint on wood? If so, this class is for you!

Join me as I work on this project, sharing every little detail and tip that I used to complete this one-of-a-kind piece of art!

Learn to paint this Cotton Painting on Wood (pine 2 x12) with over 2 1/2 hours of video instruction, and a complete supply list. 

You will be added to a private Facebook group for this class, and be able to work at your own pace. You will have a minimum of 90 days of access to the videos. 

We videoed the wood selection process, preparing the board for gesso (black) and paint, as well as the painting process. It is painted with both palette knives and brushes. 

Your completed project will stand alone on its side, no frame or stand required. 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 

This class is available from my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/artbyterristovallfor $10, or in my Etsy Store: https://etsy.me/2ECpsGh

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