Canvas Art Canvas Painting Creative Business Painting Terri’s Favorite Things

Canvas Painting-Recommended Supplies

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Canvas Painting Supply Links

(These are affiliate links to my favorite supplies. These are the items you see me using in my videos, or the supplies I started with, before I invested in higher quality supplies. When you click on these links, I may receive a small compensation for any purchases that you may make. It is not much, but it is how I keep my site up and running.) 

Blick Art Supply. (You can order all supplies here, or I have Amazon links below for your first batch of supplies, if you want to invest in higher quality supplies a little at a time)  https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?B=361640&U=1591761&M=30103&urllink=

Brushes, get a couple of sizes each 1/4 and 1/2 “ on Flats, Brights, Filberts, and a medium sized Fan, and Angled in 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2, and Round in 4-5 sizes, down to the smallest lettering. 

Paint-I prefer the Blick Artist’s Acrylic in the 4.65 oz tube in the most used colors- Raw and Burnt Umber, Raw and Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Yellow Oxide, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Cadmium Yellow light and medium, Cerulean Blue, Phthalocyanine Blue and Green, Sap Green, Ultramarine Blue, Turquoise Green, Quinacridone Red Violet and Magenta, Hooker’s Green, and Cad Red Medium Hue. 

I get Titanium White and Mars Black in the 8 oz jar. 

Canvas– I like to get the Blick stretched canvas, gallery wrap, my favorite sizes are 16 x 20, 12 x 12, 20 x 24, 12 x 36, 8 x 24 and 36 x 48. ai buy in bulk. 

Amazon  supplies:

Sta-Wet Handy Palette Kit https://amzn.to/2ACByQK

Rolling organizer cart https://amzn.to/2O5No7Z

Wooden Tabletop Easel https://amzn.to/2NxSqJY

16 x 20 Canvas https://amzn.to/2NUxCh1

11 x 14 Canvas 6 Pack https://amzn.to/2MCSaZT

10 Piece Cheap Beginners Brush Set (Good to have for mixed media, so you don’t ruin your good brushes from Blick)  https://amzn.to/2KxELBD 

Palette Knife Set https://amzn.to/2tHHZwa

Acrylic paint: Start with a red, yellow, blue, white, black, brown (burnt umber or sienna) and raw sienna, mix your own colors, or buy a larger pack. My first pack was the Liquitex Basics 48 pack. Liquitex Basics Sets (Choose from 8 pc to 48 pc)  https://amzn.to/2NdH6DN

Folk Art Fluid Acrylics 12 pc Set https://amzn.to/2yVf2Sz

Clear Gesso https://amzn.to/2MzTFbe (I would also get white and black)

Liquitex Medium Starter Set (white gesso, modeling paste, gel medium, etc.)https://amzn.to/2lH9Ubc

I paint on canvas with the clay and chalk based paints, too, and when working with clay and chalk paint, keeping your paint moist is extremely important. All of the cool blends and runs and shading are done with water. (Wet distressing is pretty cool, too, and I demonstrate it in a couple of my videos-using baby wipes.) Anyway, you want to mist the paint, or your work surface with a fine mist, so the Dollar Store squirt bottles just won’t do. I use this type for painting furniture, and canvas. https://amzn.to/2KsYiST

Basic supplies: 

Scissors, pencils, paper plates, cup for water, kitchen towels and rags.

Mixed Media: Scrapbook paper, old cards, wrapping paper, napkins, magazine cutouts, sheet music, pattern pieces, book pages, any other pieces of paper that contain colors and designs that you like. Tear or cut out images in non-uniform shapes and sizes. You can go with a theme by topic or color, or leave it random. Gather a few objects that you like, such as flat buttons, lace, doilies, or images of sunflowers, butterflies, dragonflies, anything that looks beautiful to you.

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  • Many Cotler November 15, 2018 at 2:36 PM

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    • gethealthyllc November 17, 2018 at 6:13 PM

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  • Seth Wanland October 31, 2018 at 3:16 PM

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  • Virgina Agustin September 28, 2018 at 9:45 PM

    With thanks! Valuable information!