Furniture Painting Painting

French Provencial chest makeover

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I LOVE French Provencial curved legs. I seek them out like a guy at the beach with a foot fetish. They are all gorgeous to me, and I want them all!

Dixie belle cobalt blue, how to paint furniture, furniture painting tutorial, chalk painted furniture tips

This was a newer piece that a friend gave us, and it had been holding the TV in our guest room until I decided to redo that room, and I was finally able to get it to myself!

I decided on blue, who knows why, it was just a whim, and I am so glad that I did. I think it turned out great, and will make a wonderful pop of color for its new owner.

I used Dixie Belle’s White Lightning TSP based product to clean it, and prepared for the primer.

This piece had that thick, slick, nearly indestructable topcoat, so I decided that I should use Dixie Belle Slick Stick   to make sure the paint would adhere. I mixed a little Dixie Belle Aubergine with the Slick Stick to give it a little color and help the Cobalt Blue have good coverage when the paint went on.

Painted, dixie belle, slick stick, aubergine

I put on one coat of the tinted primer (loved the deep lavender that it became!) and allowed that to dry for about an hour, then over the next couple of hours, I added the Dixie Belle Cobalt Blue. I used the Dixie Belle RL synthetic bristle brush.

I wrapped my brushes in plastic wrap between coats to keep them moist and ready to use.

wrapped paint brushes, dixie belle, paint pixie

After allowing another hour of dry time, I put a good coat of Dixie Belle Gator Hide on the top, for protection, since the top will have the most use, and while that dried, I waxed the rest of the piece.

I first put a coat of Dixie Belle Clear wax, then added Dixie Belle Black Wax to the details and crevices, doing one section at a time. After the crevices were darkened, I spread a thin coat of the Black Wax over the rest of the piece using my Paint Pixie Wax Brushes, and then wiped it off with a blue shop towel.

I buffed the centers a little more, and the area where the hardware would be placed, the edges, and the crevices a little less, to give it more of an aged look.

I spray painted the bright brass hardware in a matte black spray paint from the Dollar Store.

This was a fun, one-day transformation, and I actually did most of it live on Facebook, on my page (@artbyterristovall). This is a simple technique that can really help new painters gain confidence in their abilities to make something beautiful through the power of paint!

This piece is available in my Etsy Store https://etsy.me/2SMymWC

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